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  • Picture of Esther Woerdehoff

    All while the artistic programme of Galerie Esther Woerdehoff continues to focus on established and mid-career photographes and those whose work ‘explodes’ the dimensions of the medium of photography, with the integration of video, drawings and other fine art mediums, the Geneva space also looks to present the new generation of Swiss talent that deserves to be recognised.

    With six exhibitions a year in Geneva as well as in Paris, and a regular presence at international fairs, the two galleries are turning points in the world of photographic creation.

    The space in Geneva is part of the ‘dynamism’ of the miles of photography that extend the length of the northern shore of Lac Leman, from Geneva to Lausanne and Vevey.

    Esther Woerdehoff
    Jehan de Bujadoux
    Gallery director
    Elisa Bernard
    Gallery assistant